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#1 Posted : Tuesday, May 23, 2006 11:48:12 PM(UTC)

Rank: Member

Groups: Member
Joined: 5/23/2006(UTC)
Posts: 11

I have a bit of a problem generating text in an image.

Text is drawn using DrawArtisticText, with an outline and fill, but spikes are appearing above or below certain characters - seems to be something to do with the rendering of the outline.

Exactly which characters are affected depends upon what font family is being used - I am using Impress BT and this seems to be worse than some other fonts.

I have included the ASP code used (below), and you can see exactly what is going on by viewing the attached JPEG image.

If anyone has any suggestions on work-arounds I'd be most gratful.

In the meantime, can the Aurigma developers take a look?





<!-- METADATA TYPE="typelib" UUID="{3CE48541-DE7A-4909-9314-9D0ED0D1CA5A}"-->
Option Explicit
Response.Buffer = true

Dim strStringA, strStringB
strStringA = "the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"

' Create the Bitmap object...
Dim objBitmapText
Set objBitmapText = Server.CreateObject("GraphicsMill.Bitmap")

' Create bitmap with transparent background...
objBitmapText.CreateNew 800, 300, Format32bppArgb, &h00FFFFFF&

' Now draw the text...
With objBitmapText.Graphics 
	.Engine = DrawingEngineGdiplus
	.Antialiasing = true

	.TextFormat.FontName = "Impress BT"
	.TextFormat.FontColor = .Color.CreateRGB(73, 1, 73)
	.TextFormat.FontSize = 30
	.TextFormat.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignmentCenter
	.TextFormat.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignmentBottom

	.Unit = UnitPixel
	.Brush.PrimaryColor = .Color.CreateRGB(64, 57, 161)
	.Pen.ForeColor = .Color.CreateRGB(211, 209, 233)
	.Pen.Weight = 4

	.DrawArtisticText strStringA, 400, 100, true, true
	.DrawText strStringA, 400, 100

	.DrawArtisticText UCase(strStringA), 400, 200, true, true
	.DrawText UCase(strStringA), 400, 200
End With

' Apply glow effect on text...
objBitmapText.ArtisticEffects.Glow objBitmapText.Graphics.Color.CreateRGB(211, 209, 233), 1, false

' Set image format...
objBitmapText.Formats.SelectCurrent "JPEG"
objBitmapText.Formats.JpegIsProgressive = True
objBitmapText.Formats.JpegQuality = 100

' Save image to response stream (e.g. draw to page)...
objBitmapText.SaveToStream Response

Set objBitmapText = Nothing

Edited by user Wednesday, December 19, 2007 4:39:53 PM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

Crimblepud attached the following image(s):
#2 Posted : Wednesday, May 24, 2006 6:04:41 PM(UTC)

Rank: Advanced Member

Groups: Member, Administration
Joined: 8/2/2003(UTC)
Posts: 876

Thanks: 2 times
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Perhaps this is a problem of a specific font. Could you submit case with this font?

By the way, what happens if you use GDI instead of GDI+?

Edited by user Thursday, May 22, 2008 10:42:36 PM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

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