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#1 Posted : Monday, February 23, 2004 5:41:00 AM(UTC)

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Joined: 2/23/2004(UTC)
Posts: 2

I would first like to say that this is a great piece of software and kudos to the development team on doing such a great job.

I have a website which I would like to use this control on, but I would also like to know if you ever intend on building a java version of this tool? I would have no problem paying for both versions if you support a java development effort since I have users on the Mac OS side (and linux) using older browser technology ranging from Mozilla to IE clients which do not adopt the ActiveX API within either browsers on that platform. A java solution would make my world a nicer place to live in.


I currently have a PHP upload form that uploads the data and stores it into a session object. Most people will only upload 5 images at the most. But the reason why I store my images into the session after the upload instead of a file on the server side is due to in case they quit the application before posting specific information in the database regarding the transaction. This way when the session expires or is deleted the images they uploaded are also destroyed.

I would like to know if this application could have another optional panel that can show what files have been uploaded and are either sitting in a folder on the host or sitting in the session. Then display those files so the user can also remove them (either from session or from host).

Here is an example of what I currently use.


It works great on windows and ok on linux, but displays horribly on the Mac. This is a "child window" or popup window in javascript which is called from a "parent". I wrote this code to store the image in the session and also when the continue button is clicked, it sends a message to the parent showing how many photos are attached (within the session). When the user fills out the rest of the form on the parent and submits it, the image data in the session gets placed as a Binary Large Object (BLOB) in a mySQL database.

Any comments on adding an optional panel to your software for working with uploaded files (showing which files have been uploaded or currently stored in a session object)?


#2 Posted : Monday, February 23, 2004 8:20:00 PM(UTC)

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Hello Steve,

I would first like to say that this is a great piece of software and kudos to the development team on doing such a great job.

Thanks. :D

I have a website which I would like to use this control on, but I would also like to know if you ever intend on building a java version of this tool? I would have no problem paying for both versions if you support a java development effort since I have users on the Mac OS side (and linux) using older browser technology ranging from Mozilla to IE clients which do not adopt the ActiveX API within either browsers on that platform. A java solution would make my world a nicer place to live in.

We have plans about Java version. Please contact with our sales department at sales@aurigma.com for details.


I currently have a PHP upload form that uploads the data and stores it into a session object. Most people will only upload 5 images at the most. But the reason why I store my images into the session after the upload instead of a file on the server side is due to in case they quit the application before posting specific information in the database regarding the transaction. This way when the session expires or is deleted the images they uploaded are also destroyed.

I did not understand whether you store files in server memory or in temporarily files. But in any case you shouldn't store files in memory as it can cause problems with memory burden.

I would like to know if this application could have another optional panel that can show what files have been uploaded and are either sitting in a folder on the host or sitting in the session. Then display those files so the user can also remove them (either from session or from host).

Here is an example of what I currently use.


It works great on windows and ok on linux, but displays horribly on the Mac. This is a "child window" or popup window in javascript which is called from a "parent". I wrote this code to store the image in the session and also when the continue button is clicked, it sends a message to the parent showing how many photos are attached (within the session). When the user fills out the rest of the form on the parent and submits it, the image data in the session gets placed as a Binary Large Object (BLOB) in a mySQL database.

Any comments on adding an optional panel to your software for working with uploaded files (showing which files have been uploaded or currently stored in a session object)?

You can do it via client-side scripts. I will post detailed sample in the nearest days.

Best regards,

Fedor Skvortsov

#3 Posted : Monday, February 23, 2004 9:21:00 PM(UTC)

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Joined: 7/28/2003(UTC)
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To add panel with uploaded files you should add SELECT element on page. On server side we generate a file list and return it into upload complete event handler:

<%@ Page Language="vb" AutoEventWireup="false" %>
' Aurigma Image Uploader Sample Script
' Copyright(c) Aurigma Inc. 2002-2004
' WWW: http://www.aurigma.com
		<title>Aurigma Image Uploader</title>
		<meta name="vs_targetSchema" content="http://schemas.microsoft.com/intellisense/ie5">
		<link href="Style.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet">
	<body bgcolor="#ffcc9c">
		<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="710">
				<td width="710">
					<object classid="clsid:BB6633E1-FE3B-41A1-A2D3-D08400D828BC" width="710" height="500" 
CodeBase="ImageUploader.CAB" viewastext id="ImageUploader" name="ImageUploader">
						<param name="SourceImageFitMode" value="off">
						<param name="SourceImageSize" value="500">
						<param name="UploadThumbnailFitMode" value="fit">
						<param name="UploadThumbnailSize" value="120">
						<param name="DescriptionsVisible" value="True">
						<param name="TimeOut" value="30000">
						<param name="MaxUploadSize" value="0">
						<param name="SilentMode" value="False">
						<param name="ShowDebugWindow" value="True">
						<param name="AdditionalFormName" value="Form1">
						<param name="Action" value="Upload.aspx">
						<param name="LicenseKey" value="6221-7840-6351-7041">						
					Attached Files:<br>
					<select id="AttachedFiles" name="AttachedFiles" multiple>
		<script language=JScript for="ImageUploader" event="OnProgress(Status, Progress, ValueMax, Value, StatusText)">
if (Status=="COMPLETE"){
	var arrFiles = StatusText.split(";");
	for (i=0;i<arrFiles.length;i++){
		var oOption = document.createElement("option");

As you see we get the list of uploaded files at this line:

var arrFiles = StatusText.split(";");

The list of uploaded files is returned in StatusText argument which contains response from server. This way we should return the list of processed file during server-side upload process. For example in ASP.NET you can do it with following code:


	For I=1 To intFileCount
		'Fetch source images and save it to disk
		SourceFile = Request.Files("Image" & I)

		Dim curFileName As String
		curFileName  = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(SourceFile.FileName)

		SourceFile.SaveAs (Server.MapPath("Gallery/" & curFileName))

		'Fetch thumbnails and save it to disk
		ThumbnailFile = Request.Files("Thumbnail" & I)
		ThumbnailFile.SaveAs (Server.MapPath("Gallery/Thumbnails/" & curFileName))

		If I>1 Then
		End If

Please let me know if you have any questions or problems.

Edited by user Friday, May 23, 2008 4:19:52 PM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

Best regards,

Fedor Skvortsov

#4 Posted : Wednesday, February 25, 2004 1:28:00 AM(UTC)

Rank: Member

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Joined: 2/23/2004(UTC)
Posts: 2


Im very excited about a java version especially if it has the same characteristics as the ActiveX uploader. I would be willing to buy both, but I really am interested in using them in conjunction (display activex for Win/IE and java for Linux/Mac/IE/Mozilla)

Thanks for the response. Please continue creating this software (esp. the java one!).



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