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#1 Posted : Friday, November 11, 2005 5:33:46 PM(UTC)

Rank: Member

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Joined: 11/11/2005(UTC)
Posts: 1


Before purchasing this component, I would like to know if it's possible to design rounded squares or rounded rectangles and add a drop shadow over the generated image.

I ve attached an example of what I would like to do.

Thanks for your help


SSR attached the following image(s):
#2 Posted : Friday, January 6, 2006 12:28:05 PM(UTC)

Rank: Advanced Member

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Graphics Mill does not have rounded rectangle functionality, however perhaps you could emulate it with lines and bezier curves, or polygons.

E.g. here is a code sample how to draw rounded rectangle.

Dim objBitmap 
Dim objGraphics

Set objBitmap = Server.CreateObject("GraphicsMill.Bitmap")
objBitmap.CreateNew 640, 480

Set objGraphics = objBitmap.Graphics

objGraphics.Engine = 1

' Parameters
Dim x, y, width, height, roundness

x = 40
y = 30
width = 450
height = 100 
roundness = 40
Dim line1x1, line1y1, line2x1, line2y1, line3x1, line3y1, line4x1, line4y1
Dim line1x2, line1y2, line2x2, line2y2, line3x2, line3y2, line4x2, line4y2
Dim horend, vertend
horend = width * roundness/200
vertend = height * roundness/200

line1x1 = x 
line1y1 = y + vertend
line1x2 = x 
line1y2 = y + height - vertend

line2x1 = x + horend
line2y1 = y + height
line2x2 = x + width  - horend
line2y2 = y + height 

line3x1 = x + width 
line3y1 = y + height - vertend
line3x2 = x + width 
line3y2 = y + vertend

line4x1 = x + horend
line4y1 = y 
line4x2 = x + width - horend
line4y2 = y 

objGraphics.DrawLine line1x1, line1y1, line1x2, line1y2
objGraphics.DrawLine line2x1, line2y1, line2x2, line2y2
objGraphics.DrawLine line3x1, line3y1, line3x2, line3y2
objGraphics.DrawLine line4x1, line4y1, line4x2, line4y2

objGraphics.DrawBezier line1x1, line1y1, x, y, x, y, line4x1, line4y1
objGraphics.DrawBezier line1x2, line1y2, x, y + height, x, y + height, line2x1, line2y1
objGraphics.DrawBezier line2x2, line2y2, x + width, y + height, x + width, y + height, line3x1, line3y1
objGraphics.DrawBezier line3x2, line3y2, x + width, y, x + width, y, line4x2, line4y2

objBitmap.SaveToStream Response

Hope this helps.

Edited by user Sunday, December 23, 2007 4:40:26 PM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

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