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#1 Posted : Saturday, August 6, 2005 1:34:50 PM(UTC)

Rank: Member

Groups: Member
Joined: 8/6/2005(UTC)
Posts: 2

We're using version 3. I thought it was working, but now it seems to not be.

I tested the uploading ability of the script that catches the uploads, and it is working fine on it's own. IU says "preparing data", but then very quickly says that it "encountered errors" and that I should "contact web master". According to logs, it isn't contacting the web server at all after pressing the upload button. There are no javascript errors being reported by IE. After reading some other posts, I tried using a small image to get a better error message. This made no change. I'm not using HTTPS.

The testing page is very simple:


This works fine.

Quick answers to questions the code below begs:

Is there another control on the page called ImageUploader1? Yes. it's a folder navigator. It seems to work fine on the client side.

Is there an additional form named form1? Yes. It's a complicated bit or I would post the entire thing.

The code I'm using (taken from a sample, as I recall) is below:

function DrawIU() {
var iu = new ImageUploaderWriter("ImageUploader",200,550);
iu.activeXControlEnabled = true;
iu.activeXControlCodeBase = "ImageUploader3.cab";
iu.activeXControlVersion = "3,5,12,0";

iu.javaAppletEnabled = true;
iu.javaAppletCodeBase = "./";
iu.javaAppletCached = true;
iu.javaAppletVersion = "";


iu.addParam("AdditionalFolderNavigator", "ImageUploader1");
iu.addParam("LicenseKey", "4878-1335-7610-8870");
iu.addParam("BackgroundColor", "lightgrey");
iu.addParam("ButtonSendText", "Create Contact Sheet");
iu.addParam("ShowUploadListButtons", "true");

iu.addParam("FolderView", "Thumbnails");
iu.addParam("UploadView", "Details");
iu.addParam("Layout", "TwoPanes");
iu.addParam("PreviewThumbnailSize", "100");
iu.addParam("TreePaneWidth", "-1");
iu.addParam("Padding", "0");
iu.addParam("SignatureFilter", "Images");
iu.addParam("ShowDebugWindow", "true");
iu.addParam("ShowButtons", "false");
iu.addParam("ShowSubfolders", "true");
iu.addParam("ShowContextMenu", "false");
iu.addParam("ShowStatusPane", "false");

iu.addParam("ProgressDialogTitleText", "Creating Contact Sheet");
iu.addParam("SignatureFilter", "Images");
iu.addParam("DropFilesHereText", "Drop Photos To Upload Here");
iu.addParam("Action", "default.asp");
iu.addParam("Timeout", "20000");
iu.addParam("AllowMultipleSelection", "True");
iu.addParam("RedirectUrl", "default.asp?complete=1");
iu.addParam("EnableRotate", "True");
iu.addParam("UploadSourceFile", "False");

iu.addParam("UploadThumbnail1FitMode", "Fit");
iu.addParam("UploadThumbnail1Height", "100");
iu.addParam("UploadThumbnail1Width", "100");

iu.addParam("UploadThumbnail2FitMode", "Fit");
iu.addParam("UploadThumbnail2Height", "300");
iu.addParam("UploadThumbnail2Width", "300");

iu.addParam("UploadThumbnail3FitMode", "ActualSize");
iu.addParam("UploadThumbnail3CopyExif", "True");

iu.addParam("AdditionalFormName", "Form1");

//...event listeners...
iu.addEventListener("BeforeUpload", "ImageUploader_BeforeUpload");


Thanks for any insight, I'm not sure where to start.


Edited by user Thursday, February 14, 2008 7:54:14 PM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

#2 Posted : Friday, August 12, 2005 9:27:27 PM(UTC)

Rank: Advanced Member

Groups: Member, Administration, Moderator
Joined: 7/28/2003(UTC)
Posts: 1,660

Thanks: 5 times
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Hello Jeremy,

I am sorry for delay. Do you use registered version of Image Uploader?

Image Uploader has about 30 days evaluation time limitation. Please read following article for more info:

HOWTO: Prolong Image Uploader evaluation period

Best regards,

Fedor Skvortsov

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