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#1 Posted : Thursday, February 3, 2005 12:38:00 PM(UTC)

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Posts: 9


While I'm localizing messages of ImageUploader, I found some messages could not be changed.

For example, when progress window (SilentMode = false) shows a server-side error, it opens an alert box with following message: "Some server-side error occured."

I would like to translate that, but I cannot find the property to set the localized message.

The one "User-specified timeout has expired", which is shown on timeout error, also seems having no property.

Can I localize these messages?

Or I have to create custom progress control? I'm afraid it would be a difficult work because I have to use separate upload mode...

Besides, I would like to know when and why the errors with following messages occur.

- MessageUploadFailedText

- MessageErrorSendingRequestText

- MessageCannotConnectToInternetText

- MessageNoResponseFromServerText

- MessageNoInternetSessionText

I read the online manual, but I couldn't differentiate them clearly. I also tried to occur them, but I couldn't.

It will be very happy if you tell me.

Best regards,


#2 Posted : Wednesday, February 9, 2005 2:07:00 PM(UTC)

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I am sorry for delay.

While I'm localizing messages of ImageUploader, I found some messages could not be changed.

For example, when progress window (SilentMode = false) shows a server-side error, it opens an alert box with following message: "Some server-side error occured."

I would like to translate that, but I cannot find the property to set the localized message.

Normally this message should not be displayed. It is intended for developers only during development. You should not go site live until this message will be displayed. So way there is no need to localize this message.

The one "User-specified timeout has expired", which is shown on timeout error, also seems having no property.

This message means that specified Timeout is not enough large, so please try it play with its value. This message also should not be normally. It can not be localized now, but we will fix it in upcoming Image Uploader 3.5.

Can I localize these messages?

Or I have to create custom progress control? I'm afraid it would be a difficult work because I have to use separate upload mode...

As I said before there is no need to localize first message and in most case second.

Besides, I would like to know when and why the errors with following messages occur.

I read the online manual, but I couldn't differentiate them clearly. I also tried to occur them, but I couldn't.

It will be very happy if you tell me.

- MessageUploadFailedText

- MessageErrorSendingRequestText

- MessageCannotConnectToInternetText

- MessageNoResponseFromServerText

- MessageNoInternetSessionText

This errors are translated from URL Moniker Error Codes which are described at MSDN:


Unfortunately Microsoft description of them is not more detailed then our one.

Edited by user Tuesday, February 26, 2008 2:28:26 AM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

Best regards,

Fedor Skvortsov

#3 Posted : Wednesday, February 9, 2005 3:22:00 PM(UTC)

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Thank you very much for detailed response.

I understand why those messages are not able to localize.

Anyway, what I intend to do is using built-in progress control of ImageUploader.

If I change setting to Silent Mode, the progress control is not appear while uploading.

I'd like to ask you if I can use the control without messages for development, and if yes, I'd like you to tell me how to.

Best regards,


#4 Posted : Wednesday, February 9, 2005 6:45:00 PM(UTC)

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Anyway, what I intend to do is using built-in progress control of ImageUploader.

If I change setting to Silent Mode, the progress control is not appear while uploading.

I'd like to ask you if I can use the control without messages for development, and if yes, I'd like you to tell me how to.

I think you need to resolve problems which causes showing of these messages. Normally neither server-side error, nor timeout one should arrise.

To resolve problem with server-side error try to debug your scripts.

Edited by user Wednesday, October 29, 2008 3:22:16 AM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

Best regards,

Fedor Skvortsov

#5 Posted : Wednesday, February 9, 2005 6:59:00 PM(UTC)

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No, I'm not troubled by those problems now.

I caused those problems intentionally for development and testing.

I can change setting to silent mode right now, but I want to show uploading progress to my users: I hoped if I can use build-in control of ImageUploader.

Is it true I can't use build-in progress pop-up window in silent mode? Then I should create one by myself.

Best regards,


#6 Posted : Wednesday, February 9, 2005 7:37:00 PM(UTC)

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Is it true I can't use build-in progress pop-up window in silent mode? Then I should create one by myself.

Yes, you can not use build-in progress dialog in silent mode. Wihtout silent mode you can turn off only Upload Complete Message.

Edited by user Tuesday, February 26, 2008 2:28:58 AM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

Best regards,

Fedor Skvortsov

#7 Posted : Wednesday, February 9, 2005 8:23:00 PM(UTC)

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Thank you very much. I understand well.

Best regards,


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