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#1 Posted : Monday, January 5, 2009 9:37:58 PM(UTC)

Rank: Newbie

Groups: Member
Joined: 12/18/2008(UTC)
Posts: 8


I am using ImageUploader applet in firefox 3.0.5

I want to pass parameters to the page i specified as the Action page via querystring.

I set the action property like this:

iu.addParam('Action', 'attachRequirements.aspx?fromId=pd')

but also want to reset the Action property in the javascript method 'ImageUploader1_ShowUploader(s)' to include an additional querystring parameter which is dynamic like this http://localhost/attachRequirements.aspx?fromId=pd&req=foo so that i can retrieve the querystring parameter server side when i process the uploaded files on the Page_Load() method of attachRequirements.aspx.

I am keeping to the convention of using querystring parameters only in this project as told to me by a superior.

On the server side the querystring value of 'req' does not get passed so i receive null all the time.

Note: this does work in IE5.5, 6, 7 but not in firefox 3.0.5

Below is the code used:

Client side


function ImageUploader1_ViewChange()


document.getElementById("selectView").selectedIndex = getImageUploader("ImageUploader1").getFolderView();


function ImageUploader1_AfterUpload()




function ImageUploader1_HideUploader()


document.getElementById('divUpload').style.display = 'none';


function ImageUploader1_ShowUploader(awdkey)


document.getElementById('hideUpload').style.display = 'none';

document.getElementById('divUpload').style.display = 'block';

getImageUploader("ImageUploader1").Action=getImageUploader("ImageUploader1").getAction() + '&req=' + awdkey;



String sessionId = null;

HttpCookie aCookie;

for(int i=0; i<Request.Cookies.Count; i++)


aCookie = Request.Cookies[i];



if(aCookie.Name == "ASP.NET_SessionId")


sessionId = Server.HtmlEncode(aCookie.Value);




sessionId = sessionId.ToString();


function ImageUploader1_BeforeUpload()


//getImageUploader("ImageUploader1").AddField('req', oAWDKey);

getImageUploader("ImageUploader1").AddCookie('ASP.NET_SessionId=<%= sessionId %>;');


// Enable / disable send button

function ImageUploader1_UploadFileCountChange()


var ctl = document.getElementById("<%=this.btnAttach.ClientID %>");

if (getImageUploader("ImageUploader1").getUploadFileCount() > 0)





function UploadFile()



//var ctl = document.getElementById("<%=this.btnSubmit.ClientID %>");


return false;


function ImageUploader1_Progress(Status, Progress, ValueMax, Value, StatusText)


if (Status=="COMPLETE"){

window.location = 'attachRequirements.aspx?' + '<%=Request.QueryString%>'



var iu = new ImageUploaderWriter("ImageUploader1",650, 400);

//For ActiveX control full path to CAB file (including file name) should be specified.

iu.activeXControlCodeBase = "/shared/sharedcontrols/client/ImageUploader5.cab";

iu.activeXControlVersion = "5,1,10,0";

//For Java applet only path to directory with JAR files should be specified (without file name).

iu.javaAppletJarFileName = "ImageUploader5.jar";

iu.javaAppletCodeBase = "/shared/sharedcontrols/client/";

iu.javaAppletCached = true;

iu.javaAppletVersion = "";

iu.showNonemptyResponse = "off";

if (iu.getControlType() == "Java")


iu.addEventListener("BeforeUpload", "ImageUploader1_BeforeUpload");


//Configure appearance.

iu.addParam("PaneLayout", "TwoPanes");

iu.addParam("ShowDebugWindow", "true");

iu.addParam("BackgroundColor", "#ccccff");

iu.addParam("ShowButtons", "False");

iu.addParam("AllowAutoRotate", "True");

iu.addParam("CacheGuiGraphics", "True");

iu.addParam("AllowMultipleSelection", "false");

//Configure License Keys

iu.addParam("LicenseKey", "");

//Configure thumbnail settings.

iu.addParam("UploadThumbnail1FitMode", "Fit");

iu.addParam("UploadThumbnail1Width", "120");

iu.addParam("UploadThumbnail1Height", "120");

iu.addParam("UploadThumbnail1JpegQuality", "60");

//Configure URL files are uploaded to.

iu.addParam('Action', 'attachRequirements.aspx?fromId=<%=Request.QueryString["fromId"]%>')

iu.addParam("FileMask", "<%=mySeries.Web.ScanAndLinkHelper.getAllowableFileTypes() %>");

iu.addParam("MaxFileSize", "2097152 ");

iu.addParam("MessageMaxFileSizeExceededText", "The file [Name] cannot be selected. This file size exceeds the limit ([Limit] KB).");

//Configure URL where to redirect after upload.

//This simply reloads the page to reflect uploaded files

//iu.addParam('RedirectUrl', 'attachRequirements.aspx?fromId=<%=Request.QueryString["fromId"]%>')

iu.addEventListener("Progress", "ImageUploader1_Progress");

//iu.addEventListener("AfterUpload", "ImageUploader1_AfterUpload");

iu.addEventListener("UploadFileCountChange", "ImageUploader1_UploadFileCountChange");

iu.addEventListener("ViewChange", "ImageUploader1_ViewChange");

// No message after upload complete

iu.addParam("MessageUploadCompleteText", "");


iu.instructionsCommon="Image Uploader ActiveX control is necessary to upload "+

"your files quickly and easily. "+

"Installation will take up to few minutes, please be patient. To install Image Uploader, ";

iu.instructionsNotWinXPSP2="please reload page and select \"Yes\" button " +

"when you will see control installation dialog."

iu.instructionsWinXPSP2="please click on Information Bar. After page reloading select \"Yes\" when "+

"you will see control installation dialog.";

//Tell Image Uploader writer object to generate all necessary HTML code to embed

//Image Uploader to the page.


Server side (C#)


string requirement = Request.QueryString["req"];

- requirement evaluates to null.

Your help would be much appreciated

#2 Posted : Tuesday, January 6, 2009 1:33:12 PM(UTC)

Rank: Advanced Member

Groups: Member, Administration, Moderator
Joined: 8/3/2003(UTC)
Posts: 1,070

Thanks: 1 times
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The problem is in that you try to hide Image Uploader by making the DIV the applet lies on invisible. This behaviour is not supported and unfortunately there is no workaround in the current Image Uploader version.

Nevertheless setAction works correctly, I attached small sample illustrating how to use it.

File Attachment(s):
SetAction.zip (1,909kb) downloaded 5 time(s).
Sincerely yours,

Dmitry Sevostyanov

UserPostedImage Follow Aurigma on Twitter!

#3 Posted : Tuesday, January 6, 2009 5:03:38 PM(UTC)

Rank: Newbie

Groups: Member
Joined: 12/18/2008(UTC)
Posts: 8


I have used the AddField() method: getImageUploader("ImageUploader1").AddField('req', oAWDKey);

and retrieved the value from the form on server side, this seems to have fixed the issue and now it works in IE5.5, 6, 7 and firefox 3.0.5

Thanks for your help Dmitry

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