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#1 Posted : Thursday, January 24, 2008 7:00:26 AM(UTC)

Rank: Member

Groups: Member
Joined: 4/11/2007(UTC)
Posts: 7

Hello -

For some reason, my Select Button, Deselect Button, and UploadImage button have randomally disappeared. They have been working on Production for about a year, and now they have disappeared. We haven't done any new code pushes to the production environment that would have altered the settings for these buttons. In addition, all of my parameters are below.

I'm hoping someone has experienced this before. Does anyone have any ideas?

Thanks in advance.


    var iu = new ImageUploaderWriter("ImageUploader", 760, 320);

    // If you do not want to use ActiveX or Java version, set the appropriate
    // property to false.
    iu.activeXControlEnabled = true;
    iu.javaAppletEnabled = true;

    iu.activeXControlCodeBase = "/bin/ImageUploader4.cab";
    iu.activeXControlVersion = "4,1,60,0";
    //For Java applet only path to directory with JAR files should be specified (without file name).
    iu.javaAppletCodeBase = "/bin/";
    iu.javaAppletCached = true;
    iu.javaAppletVersion = "";
    iu.addParam("LicenseKey", "xxx");
    // Restrict uploads to JPGs
    iu.addParam("FileMask", "*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.jpe;");
    // Restrict the size of any one file to 2 MB
    iu.addParam("MaxFileSize", "2097152");
    iu.addParam("MessageMaxFileSizeExceededText", "You are not allowed to upload an image larger than 2 MB.");
    //iu.addParam("MaxTotalFileSize", "2097152");
    //iu.addParam("MessageMaxTotalFileSizeExceededText", "You are not allowed to upload an image larger than 2 MB.");
    // Hide the progress bar
    iu.addParam("SilentMode", "true");
    // Make sure the user can't upload more photos than are allowed
    iu.addParam("MaxFileCount", TotalPhotosToBeUploaded);
    //Configure appearance.
    iu.addParam("PaneLayout", "TwoPanes");
    iu.addParam("ShowDebugWindow", "false");
    iu.addParam("ShowDescriptions", "false");
    iu.addParam("FolderPaneHeight", "175");
    iu.addParam("BackgroundColor", "#E0D4BB");

    // Configure button display
    iu.addParam("ShowButtons", "true");
    iu.addParam("ButtonSelectAllImageFormat", "Width=138;Height=25;UrlNormal=/Images/btnSelectAll.gif;");
    iu.addParam("ButtonDeselectAllImageFormat", "Width=138;Height=25;UrlNormal=/Images/btnDeselectAll.gif;");
    iu.addParam("ButtonSendImageFormat", "Width=138;Height=25;UrlNormal=/Images/btnUploadImages.gif;UrlDisabled=/Images/btnUploadImageDisabled.gif;");
    iu.addParam("CheckFilesBySelectAllButton", "true");
    // Image rotating
    iu.addParam("AllowRotate", "true");
    iu.addParam("FolderPaneAllowRotate", "true");
    iu.addParam("UploadSourceFile", "true");
    iu.addParam("UploadThumbnail1FitMode", "ActualSize");

    // Configure error message
    iu.addParam("MessageMaxFileCountExceededText", "The file [Name] cannot be selected. Amount of files selected exceeds the limit (" + MaxNumberOfPhotos + " files).");
    iu.addParam("FilesPerOnePackageCount", "1");   
    // Reload photos when upload is complete    
    iu.addEventListener("Progress", "ImageUploader_Progress");
    iu.addEventListener("BeforeUpload", "ImageUploaderID_BeforeUpload");

    // As soon as you call this method, all necessary HTML code is inserted
    // into the page on the current position. Alternatively, you can 
    // get the string with appropriate HTML code using the getHtml method,
    // and write it to the necessary position manually (maybe with some modifications).  

Edited by user Thursday, January 24, 2008 10:27:51 AM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

Alex Makhov  
#2 Posted : Thursday, January 24, 2008 11:56:02 AM(UTC)
Alex Makhov

Rank: Advanced Member

Groups: Member
Joined: 8/3/2003(UTC)
Posts: 998


The reason of the problem is in relative paths. There was an issue about it. Please submit case and we will send you the working copy.

Edited by user Thursday, May 22, 2008 2:52:58 PM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

Sincerely yours,

Alex Makhov

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