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#1 Posted : Tuesday, March 13, 2007 8:23:30 AM(UTC)

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Joined: 6/5/2006(UTC)
Posts: 1

I am upgrading from Image Uploader 3.5 to 4.1. In 3.5, I use the following javascript to detect if the ImageUploader ActiveX v3 is installed:

    if ((navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE') != -1) && (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Win') != -1)) {
        document.writeln('<scr' + 'ipt language="VBscript">');
        document.writeln('Function supportImageUploader()');        
        document.writeln('  If ScriptEngineMajorVersion >= 2 Then');    
        document.writeln('      On Error Resume Next');
        document.writeln('      supportImageUploader = "NotInstalled"');    
        document.writeln('      Dim installed');
        document.writeln('      installed = False');
        document.writeln('      installed = IsObject(CreateObject("Aurigma.ImageUploader3"))');
        document.writeln('    If installed Then');
        document.writeln('      supportImageUploader = "Installed"');
        document.writeln('    End If');        
        document.writeln('    Else');
        document.writeln('    supportImageUploader = "Unsupported"');
        document.writeln('    End If');
        document.writeln('End Function');
        document.writeln('</scr' + 'ipt>');
        document.writeln('<scr' + 'ipt language="JavaScript">');
        document.writeln('function supportImageUploader() {');
        document.writeln('    return "Unsupported";');
        document.writeln('</scr' + 'ipt>');

When upgrading to version 4, this always reports 'Not Installed'. What is the proper class name to use instead of Aurigma.ImageUploader3 when using ImageUploader4.cab ?



Edited by user Thursday, February 21, 2008 7:24:30 PM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

Alex Makhov  
#2 Posted : Tuesday, March 13, 2007 2:16:11 PM(UTC)
Alex Makhov

Rank: Advanced Member

Joined: 8/3/2003(UTC)
Posts: 998

Hello Dave,

What is the proper class name to use instead of Aurigma.ImageUploader3 when using ImageUploader4.cab ?

You should "Aurigma.ImageUploader.4".

You can also getActiveXInstalled method of ImageUploaderWriter class to check if ActiveX version installed.

Edited by user Thursday, February 21, 2008 7:23:44 PM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

Sincerely yours,

Alex Makhov

UserPostedImage Follow Aurigma on Twitter!

#3 Posted : Thursday, March 15, 2007 2:18:29 AM(UTC)

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Posts: 15

Simply changing that did not work, the below is returning not installed when it is.:

<script type="text/vbscript">
    Function supportImageUploader()       
      If ScriptEngineMajorVersion >= 4 Then   
    	  supportImageUploader = "NotInstalled"    
    	  Dim installed
    	  installed = False
    	  installed = IsObject(CreateObject("Aurigma.ImageUploader.4"))
        If installed Then
          supportImageUploader = "Installed"
        End If       
        supportImageUploader = "Unsupported"
    	End If
    End Function
	Function isInstalled()
	  On Error Resume Next
	   installed = false
	   installed = IsObject(CreateObject("Aurigma.ImageUploader.4"))
	   If installed Then
	     isInstalled = "yes"
	     isInstalled = "no"
	  End If
	end function

Edited by user Thursday, February 21, 2008 7:24:44 PM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

Alex Makhov  
#4 Posted : Thursday, March 15, 2007 3:14:16 PM(UTC)
Alex Makhov

Rank: Advanced Member

Joined: 8/3/2003(UTC)
Posts: 998


Did you try to use getActiveXInstalled method which I advised you to use? VBScript is not the best language to use because it is supported by IE browser only.

Sincerely yours,

Alex Makhov

UserPostedImage Follow Aurigma on Twitter!

#5 Posted : Friday, March 16, 2007 4:20:12 AM(UTC)

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Posts: 3


I am also upgrading from 3.5 to the new version (4.1) and used the example included in the release notes for 3.5 (script shown in dviner's original post.) to detect the uploader. It no longer works as expected for me either.

This change was not mentioned in the upgrade notes and will surely trip up anyone upgrading from the old version. I think a code snippet to help people with this problem is needed...

Can you please include a new example for the best use of getActiveXInstalled to detect if the uploader is installed?


#6 Posted : Friday, March 16, 2007 4:24:05 AM(UTC)

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Posts: 15

I need to do this check before I try to load the activex tool. We are only displaying the this for IE users so VB script is fine. (also checked before hand)

This code, testing the old version works fine:

    Function supportImageUploader()       
      If ScriptEngineMajorVersion >= 1 Then   
    	  supportImageUploader = "NotInstalled"    
    	  Dim installed
    	  installed = False
    	  installed = IsObject(CreateObject("FortuneCity.EasyUploadTool"))
        If installed Then
          supportImageUploader = "Installed"
        End If       
        supportImageUploader = "Unsupported"
    	End If
    End Function
	Function isInstalled()
	  On Error Resume Next
	   installed = false
	   installed = IsObject(CreateObject("FortuneCity.EasyUploadTool"))
	   If installed Then
	     isInstalled = "yes"
	     isInstalled = "no"
	  End If
	end function

But this code, testing the new version is not working:

 Function supportNewImageUploader()       
      If ScriptEngineMajorVersion >= 4 Then   
    	  supportNewImageUploader = "NotInstalled"    
    	  Dim installed
    	  installed = False
    	  installed = IsObject(CreateObject("FortuneCity.ImageUploader.4"))
        If installed Then
          supportNewImageUploader = "Installed"
        End If       
        supportNewImageUploader = "Unsupported"
    	End If
    End Function
	Function isNewInstalled()
	  On Error Resume Next
	   installed = false
	   installed = IsObject(CreateObject("FortuneCity.ImageUploader.4"))
	   If installed Then
	     isNewInstalled = "yes"
	     isNewInstalled = "no"
	  End If
	end function

Edited by user Thursday, February 21, 2008 7:25:12 PM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

#7 Posted : Friday, March 16, 2007 5:31:28 AM(UTC)

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Posts: 15

Woops... found the problem our tool is called FortuneCitycomInc.MyPhotoAlbumEasyUploadTool.4


Alex Makhov  
#8 Posted : Friday, March 16, 2007 3:56:01 PM(UTC)
Alex Makhov

Rank: Advanced Member

Joined: 8/3/2003(UTC)
Posts: 998


Yes, we change the ProgID and CLSID values of our private label versions.

Sincerely yours,

Alex Makhov

UserPostedImage Follow Aurigma on Twitter!

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