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#1 Posted : Friday, April 9, 2004 2:34:00 AM(UTC)

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Here are some sample for using AVI Processor in ASP.

1. This sample code enumerates all installed compressors on computer using Next method and IsValid & Current properties:

Dim compressors, c 
Set compressors = Server.CreateObject("AviProcessor.AviCompressors")
	Set c = compressors.Current
	If c.IsValid Then
		Response.Write c.Name & ": " & c.Description & "
" End If Loop While compressors.Next() %>

2. This sample code creates new empty AVI, selects DivX Mpeg-4 as video compressor, adds all JPG files from some folder, and finally adds sound track from WAV file.

Dim writer
Set writer = Server.CreateObject("AviProcessor.AviWriter")
writer.CompressorHandler = 1482049860 'DivXPro5Compressor
writer.Quality = 8000
writer.CreateNew "c:\Images\MyVideo.avi", 300, 300, hWnd
writer.AddImages "c:\Images\*.jpg", True
'writer.AddWav "c:\Images\Sounds.wav"

3. This sample code reads existing AVI and saves frame sequence to separated JPG files:

Dim reader 
Set reader = Server.CreateObject("AviProcessor.AviReader")
reader.Open "c:\windows\clock.avi"
reader.Frames.SaveSeq 0, 10, "C:\temp\clip_frame_", ".jpg"

4. This sample code extracts frames from existing AVI by one to separated JPG files

Set reader = Server.CreateObject("AviProcessor.AviReader")
reader.Open "c:\windows\clock.avi"
For i = 0 To reader.Frames.Count - 1
	reader.Frames(i).SaveFile "C:\temp\clip_frame_" & CStr(i) & ".jpg"

5. This sample code opens existing AVI and creates new AVI with almost the same content but with additional watermark image and timer:

Set writer = Server.CreateObject("AviProcessor.AviWriter")
Set reader = Server.CreateObject("AviProcessor.AviReader")
' Making new AVI file with the same sizes and compressor
reader.Open "c:\windows\clock.avi"
writer.CompressorHandler = 1129730893 'reader.CompressorHandler
writer.CreateNew "c:\temp\NewVideo.avi", reader.Width, reader.Height
' Prepare watermark content
writer.Watermark.AddImage "c:\Images\Watermark.gif", 5, 5
writer.Watermark.AddTimer 5, reader.Height-20, , , , , , &h0000FF
' Closes reader for releasing source AVI file
Set reader = Nothing
' Copying all frames from old AVI to new one
writer.AddAvi "c:\windows\clock.avi"

Best regards,

Fedor Skvortsov

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