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#1 Posted : Tuesday, October 24, 2006 5:33:49 AM(UTC)

Rank: Member

Groups: Member
Joined: 10/24/2006(UTC)
Posts: 1


I'm testing now ImageUploader v4.0 DUAL, the instalation of the applet client side ocurs perfect but in my custom button (javascript:getImageUploader('ImageUploader').Send();) open the new Progress Window but no show nothing (thumbnail or progress transition) my code is as follow :

var iu = new ImageUploaderWriter("ImageUploader", 580, 400);
iu.activeXControlEnabled = false;
iu.javaAppletEnabled = true;

//For ActiveX control full path to CAB file (including file name) should be specified.
iu.activeXControlCodeBase = "aurigma/ImageUploader4.cab";
iu.activeXControlVersion = "4,0,47,0";

//For Java applet only path to directory with JAR files should be specified (without file name).
iu.javaAppletCodeBase = "aurigma/";
iu.javaAppletCached = false;
iu.javaAppletVersion = "";
iu.showNonemptyResponse = "off";

iu.addParam("Layout", "ThreePanes");
iu.addParam("TreePaneWidth", "160");
iu.addParam("FolderView", "Thumbnails");			
iu.addParam("UploadView", "Thumbnails");				
iu.addParam("UploadThumbnail1FitMode", "fit");
iu.addParam("UploadThumbnail1Width", "100");
iu.addParam("UploadThumbnail1Height", "100");
iu.addParam("UploadThumbnail1JpegQuality", "60");

iu.addParam("PaneBackgroundColor", "#FFFFFF");
iu.addParam("BackgroundColor", "#FFFFFF");

iu.addParam("ShowFileNames", "false");
iu.addParam("ShowDescriptions", "false");

iu.addParam("ShowButtons", "false");
iu.addParam("ShowStatusPane", "false");

iu.addParam("ShowDebugWindow", "true");
iu.addParam("AdditionalFormName", "dataForm");

iu.addParam("Action", "doUpload.jsp");

iu.addParam("RedirectUrl", "doStepBank.jsp?step=4");

iu.addParam("TimeOut", "0");
iu.addParam("FilesPerOnePackageCount", "1");

iu.addParam("MaxFileSize", "512000");
iu.addParam("MaxFileCount", "3");

Plese let me know is this a bug? or is a problem with my code? Now i'm testing with a trial version.


Edited by user Tuesday, February 19, 2008 3:25:05 PM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

Alex Makhov  
#2 Posted : Tuesday, October 24, 2006 6:26:37 PM(UTC)
Alex Makhov

Rank: Advanced Member

Groups: Member
Joined: 8/3/2003(UTC)
Posts: 998


What version of Image Uploader do you use? Could you post your Java console dump (or screenshot) of the problem? Also what operating system do you use and what browser?

Sincerely yours,

Alex Makhov

UserPostedImage Follow Aurigma on Twitter!

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