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#1 Posted : Sunday, September 10, 2006 9:27:31 PM(UTC)

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Joined: 9/10/2006(UTC)
Posts: 4


We have encountered problems with the java version of ImageUploader v. 2.0.50. We upload two different pictures onto our server the first fits in a 80x80 square and the second 1800x1800. We then insert them in the database.

Some of our clients upload fair sized pictures but what we get is a pictures that fit a 100x100 square. The small thumbnail (80x80) always seems to work fine. It is a very strange behavior considering that we do not mention 100x100 thumbnail in the config files, and when it happens to a user it has problem on most of his pictures but not all. We have noticed a few users that only have one bad picture.

Here is our aurigma config file :

iu.addParam("FileMask", "*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.jpe");
iu.addParam("MaxDescriptionTextLength", "400");
iu.addParam("MaxFileCount", "100");
iu.addParam("MaxTotalFileSize", "");
iu.addParam("MinImageHeight", "0");
iu.addParam("MinImageWidth", "0");
iu.addParam("Charset", "ISO-8859-1");
iu.addParam("UploadSourceFile", "False");
iu.addParam("FilesPerOnePackageCount", "1");
iu.addParam("UploadThumbnail1FitMode", "Fit");
iu.addParam("UploadThumbnail1Height", "80");
iu.addParam("UploadThumbnail1JpegQuality", "100");
iu.addParam("UploadThumbnail1ResizeQuality", "Medium");
iu.addParam("UploadThumbnail1Width", "80");
iu.addParam("UploadThumbnail2FitMode", "Fit");
iu.addParam("UploadThumbnail2Width", "1800");
iu.addParam("UploadThumbnail2Height", "1800");
iu.addParam("UploadThumbnail2JpegQuality", "90");
iu.addParam("UploadThumbnail2ResizeQuality", "Medium");
iu.addParam("ShowUploadListButtons", "true");
iu.addParam("ThumbnailHorizontalSpacing", "15");
iu.addParam("ThumbnailHorizontalSpacing", "15");

And here is the php code that we call :

function saveUploadedFiles()
	if (!$_FILES["Thumbnail2_1"]['size'])
	$fileName = get_safe_fileName($galleryPath);
	move_uploaded_file($_FILES["Thumbnail2_1"]["tmp_name"],  $pathto . $fileName);
	if (!$_FILES["Thumbnail1_1"]['size'])
	move_uploaded_file($_FILES["Thumbnail1_1"]["tmp_name"],   $pathto . $fileName);

Thank you.

Edited by user Tuesday, February 19, 2008 2:14:04 PM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

Alex Makhov  
#2 Posted : Monday, September 11, 2006 7:30:11 PM(UTC)
Alex Makhov

Rank: Advanced Member

Joined: 8/3/2003(UTC)
Posts: 998


Could you post or send us as a PM the problem images and Java console dump?

Edited by user Monday, October 27, 2008 8:22:47 PM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

Sincerely yours,

Alex Makhov

UserPostedImage Follow Aurigma on Twitter!

#3 Posted : Monday, September 11, 2006 11:27:12 PM(UTC)

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Joined: 7/20/2006(UTC)
Posts: 15


we have the same problem with imageuploader.

In some cases just thumbnails (size about 100px)

or even icons are uploaded instead of the thumbnail

we have defined in the html-source.

We don't believe, that the reason for this situtaion

are the sourcefiles, because in series of fotos taken

with the same digicam these small thumbnails appears

sporadic. But sometimes this appears in a sequence,

so that every 2nd or 3rd image is just such a little


All images should have a max. width and height from 2000px.

This ist what we use in the html-source:

iu.addParam("UploadSourceFile", "false");
iu.addParam("UploadThumbnail1FitMode", "2");
iu.addParam("UploadThumbnail1Width", "2000");
iu.addParam("UploadThumbnail1Height", "2000");
iu.addParam("UploadThumbnail1JpegQuality", "75");

To avoid this small thumbnails we thought about to

check the filesize. If the size of a file is less then

e.g. 5kb, the php-script send a header("HTTP/1.0 400 Bad Request");,

so that imageuploader uploads the file again.

But in the worst case the image is uploaded an uploaded

like in an infinite loop.

What do you think about this solution?

Maybe you have some other ideas to avoid.

Thank you and kind regards

P.S.: We use iu version 4.0.27 (activex) and 2.0.50 (java)

and this appears in both versions.

Edited by user Tuesday, February 19, 2008 2:13:52 PM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

#4 Posted : Tuesday, September 12, 2006 4:19:09 PM(UTC)

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Joined: 7/20/2006(UTC)
Posts: 15


we have tested the upload with some of the sourcefiles

and the failure does not occured again with this files.

However there are still uploads with too small files.

So that we now can say, that the situation is probably

not caused by the sourcefiles.

kind regards.

Alex Makhov  
#5 Posted : Tuesday, September 12, 2006 6:09:52 PM(UTC)
Alex Makhov

Rank: Advanced Member

Joined: 8/3/2003(UTC)
Posts: 998


We have tested your code snippets again and again and there were no problems with thumbnails. As I understand the problem occurs on some explicit files and not every time. We need these files to test. Also we would like to get the Java console dump of the error and upload script. We need everything which could help to solve this problem (Java or ActiveX Uploader is used, which system, browser, JRE and so on).

Sincerely yours,

Alex Makhov

UserPostedImage Follow Aurigma on Twitter!

#6 Posted : Tuesday, September 12, 2006 7:29:29 PM(UTC)

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Joined: 7/20/2006(UTC)
Posts: 15


the problem just occures by some uploads but not

by some specific files. Our upload tests with some

of the files to which the problem occured, were

successful. The uploads, to which the problem

occured were taken by our customers, so unfortunately

we can't get a java console dump.

I've allready send some of the sourcefiles to the

aurigma support. Maybe it can be helpful.

What do you think about the workaround i've

mentioned in an earlier post?

kind regads.

Alex Makhov  
#7 Posted : Tuesday, September 12, 2006 8:17:53 PM(UTC)
Alex Makhov

Rank: Advanced Member

Joined: 8/3/2003(UTC)
Posts: 998


Your wrong file check is good enough. Any way we need the files which were the reason of the problem just once because we could make a lot of copies and upload them a lot of times. That is the only way to reproduce the bug. What E-mail address have you sent us the photos from (you may answer by PM ;) )?

Sincerely yours,

Alex Makhov

UserPostedImage Follow Aurigma on Twitter!

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