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#1 Posted : Saturday, October 3, 2009 1:20:28 AM(UTC)

Rank: Newbie

Groups: Member
Joined: 11/7/2008(UTC)
Posts: 5


please help me how to integrate aurigma image uploader with virtuemart, the component of joomla.

#2 Posted : Sunday, October 4, 2009 1:47:05 PM(UTC)

Rank: Advanced Member

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Joined: 3/9/2008(UTC)
Posts: 554

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I recommend you to read the following article:

Embedding Image Uploader into Life Cycle of Project

If you have any questions feel free to let us know.

Aurigma Support Team

UserPostedImage Follow Aurigma on Twitter!

#3 Posted : Monday, October 12, 2009 1:00:55 AM(UTC)

Rank: Newbie

Groups: Member
Joined: 11/7/2008(UTC)
Posts: 5

sorry... but i don't understand how can i integrate aurigma into my project.

I want the user sends his image and then theese images go to the virtuemart cart please help me. If you see the code of virtuemart ask me

#4 Posted : Monday, October 12, 2009 8:32:56 PM(UTC)

Rank: Advanced Member

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Joined: 3/9/2008(UTC)
Posts: 554

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Could you please describe your problem a bit detailed. If you have demo page please send me direct link to the page with Image Uploader.

Aurigma Support Team

UserPostedImage Follow Aurigma on Twitter!

#5 Posted : Tuesday, October 13, 2009 3:01:51 AM(UTC)

Rank: Newbie

Groups: Member
Joined: 11/7/2008(UTC)
Posts: 5


so... my problem is integration with virtuemart cart.

See my page: http://www.pixico.it/ind...iew=wrapper&Itemid=3

When I upload my images and I decide ammount, paper etc. theese images go to the cart when the user can proceed with the order.

Here the virtuemart code: virtuemart.php


if( !defined( '_VALID_MOS' ) && !defined( '_JEXEC' ) ) die( 'Direct Access to '.basename(__FILE__).' is not allowed.' );



* @version $Id: virtuemart.php 1526 2008-09-15 19:21:43Z soeren_nb $

* @package VirtueMart

* @subpackage core

* @copyright Copyright (C) 2004-2008 soeren - All rights reserved.

* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU/GPL, see LICENSE.php

* VirtueMart is free software. This version may have been modified pursuant

* to the GNU General Public License, and as distributed it includes or

* is derivative of works licensed under the GNU General Public License or

* other free or open source software licenses.

* See /administrator/components/com_virtuemart/COPYRIGHT.php for copyright notices and details.


* http://virtuemart.net


global $mosConfig_absolute_path, $product_id, $vmInputFilter, $vmLogger;


/* Load the virtuemart main parse code */

require_once( dirname(__FILE__) . '/virtuemart_parser.php' );

$my_page= explode ( '.', $page );

$modulename = $my_page[0];

$pagename = $my_page[1];

$is_popup = vmRequest::getBool( 'pop' );

// Page Navigation Parameters

$limit = intval( $vm_mainframe->getUserStateFromRequest( "viewlistlimit{$page}", 'limit', $mosConfig_list_limit ) );

$limitstart = intval( $vm_mainframe->getUserStateFromRequest( "view{$keyword}{$category_id}{$pagename}limitstart", 'limitstart', 0 )) ;

/* Get all the other paramters */

$search_category= vmRequest::getVar( 'search_category' );

// Display just the naked page without toolbar, menu and footer?

$only_page = vmRequest::getInt('only_page', 0 );

if( PSHOP_IS_OFFLINE == '1' && !$perm->hasHigherPerms('storeadmin') ) {



else {

	if( PSHOP_IS_OFFLINE == '1' ) {

		echo '<h2>'.$VM_LANG->_('OFFLINE_MODE').'</h2>';


	if( $is_popup ) {

		echo "<style type='text/css' media='print'>.vmNoPrint { display: none }</style>";

		echo vmCommonHTML::PrintIcon('', true, ' '.$VM_LANG->_('CMN_PRINT') );



	// The Vendor ID is important

	$ps_vendor_id = $_SESSION['ps_vendor_id'];

	// The authentication array

	$auth = $_SESSION['auth'];

	$no_menu = vmRequest::getInt('no_menu', 0 );

	// Timer Start

	if ( vmShouldDebug() ) { /*@MWM1: Log/Debug enhancements */

		$start = utime();

		$GLOBALS["mosConfig_debug"] = 1;


	// update the cart because something could have

	// changed while running a function

	$cart = $_SESSION["cart"];

	if (( !$pagePermissionsOK || !$funcParams ) && $_REQUEST['page'] != 'checkout.index') {

		if( !$pagePermissionsOK && defined('_VM_PAGE_NOT_AUTH') ) {

			$page = 'checkout.login_form';

			echo '<br/><br/>'.$VM_LANG->_('DO_LOGIN').'<br/><br/>';


		elseif( !$pagePermissionsOK && defined('_VM_PAGE_NOT_FOUND') ) {

			$page = HOMEPAGE;


		else {

			$page = $_SESSION['last_page'];



	$my_page= explode ( '.', $page );

	$modulename = $my_page[0];

	$pagename = $my_page[1];

	// For there's no errorpage to display the error,

	// we must echo it before the page is loaded

	if (!empty($error) && $page != ERRORPAGE) {

		echo '<span class="shop_error">'.$error.'</span>';





	if ( vmIsAdminMode()

		&& $perm->check("admin,storeadmin")

		&& ((!stristr($my->usertype, "admin") ^ PSHOP_ALLOW_FRONTENDADMIN_FOR_NOBACKENDERS == '' )

			|| stristr($my->usertype, "admin")


		&& !stristr($page, "shop.")

	) {


		define( '_FRONTEND_ADMIN_LOADED', '1' );


		if( vmIsJoomla(1.5) ) {

			$editor =& JFactory::getEditor();

			echo $editor->initialise();

		} else {

			$mainframe->loadEditor = 1;

			require_once( $mosConfig_absolute_path."/editor/editor.php" );



		$editor1_array = Array('product.product_form' => 'product_desc',

		'product.product_category_form' => 'category_description',

		'store.store_form' => 'vendor_store_desc',

		'vendor.vendor_form' => 'vendor_store_desc');

		$editor2_array = Array('store.store_form' => 'vendor_terms_of_service',

		'vendor.vendor_form' => 'vendor_terms_of_service');

		editorScript(isset($editor1_array[$page]) ? $editor1_array[$page] : '', isset($editor2_array[$page]) ? $editor2_array[$page] : '');


		$vm_mainframe->addStyleSheet( VM_THEMEURL .'admin.css' );

		$vm_mainframe->addStyleSheet( VM_THEMEURL .'admin.styles.css' );

		$vm_mainframe->addScript( "$mosConfig_live_site/components/$option/js/functions.js" );

		echo '<table style="width:100%;table-layout:fixed;"><tr>';

		if( $no_menu != "1" ) {

			$vmLayout = 'standard';

			echo '<td valign="top" width="15%">';

			// The admin header with dropdown menu

			include( ADMINPATH."header.php" );

			echo '</td>';


		echo '<td width="80%" valign="top" style="border: 1px solid silver;padding:4px;">';

		include( ADMINPATH."toolbar.virtuemart.php" );

		echo '<br style="clear:both;" />';





	// Here is the most important part of the whole Shop:

	// LOADING the requested page for displaying it to the customer.

        // I have wrapped it with a function, because it becomes

        // cacheable that way.

        // It's just an "include" statement which loads the page

        $vmDoCaching = ($page=="shop.browse" || $page=="shop.product_details") 

                        && (empty($keyword) && empty($keyword1) && empty($keyword2));


        // IE6 PNG transparency fix

        $vm_mainframe->addScript( "$mosConfig_live_site/components/$option/js/sleight.js" );

		echo '<div id="vmMainPage">'."\n";


		// Load requested PAGE

		if( file_exists( PAGEPATH.$modulename.".".$pagename.".php" )) {

			if( $only_page) {

				require_once( CLASSPATH . 'connectionTools.class.php' );

				vmConnector::sendHeaderAndContent( 200 );

				if( $func ) echo vmCommonHTML::getSuccessIndicator( $ok, $vmDisplayLogger ); /*@MWM1: Log/Debug enhancements*/

				include( PAGEPATH.$modulename.".".$pagename.".php" );

				// Exit gracefully



			include( PAGEPATH.$modulename.".".$pagename.".php" );


		elseif( file_exists( PAGEPATH . HOMEPAGE.'.php' )) {

			include( PAGEPATH . HOMEPAGE.'.php' );


	    else {

	        include( PAGEPATH.'shop.index.php');


	    if ( !empty($mosConfig_caching) && $vmDoCaching) {

	        echo '<span class="small">'.$VM_LANG->_('LAST_UPDATED').': '.strftime( $vendor_date_format ).'</span>';



	    echo "\n<div id=\"statusBox\" style=\"text-align:center;display:none;visibility:hidden;\"></div></div>\n";


	    if(SHOWVERSION && !$is_popup) {

			include(PAGEPATH ."footer.php");


		// Set debug option on/off

		if (vmShouldDebug()) {  /*@MWM1: Log/Debug enhancements */

			$end = utime();

			$runtime = $end - $start;


			include( PAGEPATH . "shop.debug.php" );







if( !defined( '_VALID_MOS' ) && !defined( '_JEXEC' ) ) die( 'Direct Access to '.basename(__FILE__).' is not allowed.' );


* This file prepares the VirtueMart framework

* It should be included whenever a VirtueMart function is needed


* @version $Id: virtuemart_parser.php 1439 2008-06-25 19:08:23Z soeren_nb $

* @package VirtueMart

* @subpackage core

* @copyright Copyright (C) 2004-2008 soeren - All rights reserved.

* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU/GPL, see LICENSE.php

* VirtueMart is free software. This version may have been modified pursuant

* to the GNU General Public License, and as distributed it includes or

* is derivative of works licensed under the GNU General Public License or

* other free or open source software licenses.

* See /administrator/components/com_virtuemart/COPYRIGHT.php for copyright notices and details.


* http://virtuemart.net


global $my, $db, $perm, $ps_function, $ps_module, $ps_html, $ps_vendor_id, $vendor_image,$vendor_image_url, $keyword,

	$ps_payment_method,$ps_zone,$sess, $page, $func, $pagename, $modulename, $vars, $default, $VM_LANG, $cmd, $ok, $mosConfig_lang,

	$auth, $ps_checkout,$error, $error_type, $func_perms, $func_list, $func_class, $func_method, $func_list, $dir_list, $pagePermissionsOK,

	$vendor_currency_display_style, $vendor_freeshipping, $mm_action_url, $limit, $limitstart, $mainframe, $ps_product, $database;

include_once( dirname(__FILE__).'/../../administrator/components/com_virtuemart/compat.joomla1.5.php' );

if( !defined( '_VM_PARSER_LOADED' )) {

	global $my;


	// Clean the var PHP_SELF from chars like " or ' 

	$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] = htmlspecialchars( $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], ENT_QUOTES );


	if( !empty($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) {

		// Make sure, that the Query String only contains urlencoded values

		$vars = explode( '&', $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']);

		$new_query_string = array();

		foreach( $vars as $val) {

			$keyvarpair = explode('=', $val);

			if( sizeof( $keyvarpair ) == 1 ) {

				$keyvarpair[1] = 0;


			$new_query_string[] = $keyvarpair[0].'='.urlencode(urldecode($keyvarpair[1]));



		$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] = implode('&', $new_query_string );



	if( !empty($my->id) || !empty($user->id) ) {

		// This is necessary to get the real GID

		if( class_exists( 'jconfig' ) ) {

			$tmpuser = & JFactory::getUser();

			if( !defined( '_JLEGACY' ) ) {

				$GLOBALS['my']->load( $tmpuser->get('id'));

				$GLOBALS['my']->set('gid', $tmpuser->get('gid'));

			} else {

				$GLOBALS['my']->gid = $tmpuser->get('gid');


		} else {

			$my->load( $my->id );


		$vmuser = $my;


	if( !file_exists( $mosConfig_absolute_path. "/administrator/components/com_virtuemart/virtuemart.cfg.php" )) {

		die( "<h3>The configuration file for VirtueMart is missing!</h3>It should be here: <strong>"

		. $mosConfig_absolute_path. "/administrator/components/com_virtuemart/virtuemart.cfg.php</strong>" );


	// the configuration file for the Shop

	require_once( $mosConfig_absolute_path. "/administrator/components/com_virtuemart/virtuemart.cfg.php" );


	$GLOBALS['mosConfig_live_site'] = $mosConfig_live_site = substr( URL, 0, strlen(URL)-1);


	// the global file for VirtueMart

	require_once( ADMINPATH . 'global.php' );

	if( !vmIsAdminMode() && !is_a($mainframe, 'JAdministrator') && !isset( $_REQUEST['page']) ) {

		// Get the menu parameters, if any

		if( vmIsJoomla( '1.5' ) ) {

			$menuparams = $mainframe->getParams();

		} else {

			$Itemid = (int) vmRequest::getInt( 'Itemid', '' );

			$query = "SELECT params FROM #__menu WHERE id='".$Itemid."'";

			$database->setQuery( $query );

			$itemparams = $database->loadResult();

			$menuparams = new mosParameters( $itemparams );



		$tmp_product_id = $menuparams->get( 'product_id' );

		$tmp_category_id = $menuparams->get( 'category_id' );

		$tmp_flypage = $menuparams->get( 'flypage' );

		$tmp_page = $menuparams->get( 'page' );

		if( !empty( $tmp_product_id ) ) {

			vmRequest::setVar( 'product_id', $tmp_product_id );

			vmRequest::setVar( 'page', 'shop.product_details' );

		} elseif( !empty( $tmp_category_id ) ) {

			vmRequest::setVar( 'category_id', $tmp_category_id );

			vmRequest::setVar( 'page', 'shop.browse' );



		if( ( !empty( $tmp_product_id ) || !empty( $tmp_category_id ) ) && !empty( $tmp_flypage ) ) {

			vmRequest::setVar( 'flypage', $tmp_flypage );



		if( !empty( $tmp_page ) ) {

			vmRequest::setVar( 'page', $tmp_page );


		// Set the default page

		$defaultpage = HOMEPAGE;

	} else {

		$defaultpage = vmget($_SESSION,'last_page');


	$page = vmRequest::getVar('page', $defaultpage );

	$func = vmRequest::getVar('func');

	$ajax_request = strtolower(vmGet($_SERVER,'HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH')) == 'xmlhttprequest' || vmGet($_REQUEST,'ajax_request') == '1';

	$option = vmRequest::getVar('option');

	// This makes it possible to use Shared SSL



	if( $option == "com_virtuemart" ) {

		// Get sure that we have float values with a decimal point!

		@setlocale( LC_NUMERIC, 'en_US', 'en' );

		@setlocale( LC_TIME, $mosConfig_locale );

		$mosConfig_list_limit = isset( $mosConfig_list_limit ) ? $mosConfig_list_limit : SEARCH_ROWS;

		unset( $_REQUEST["error"] );


		// Cast all the following fields to INT

		$parseToIntFields = array('user_id','product_id','category_id','manufacturer_id','id','cid','vendor_id','country_id','currency_id', 'limitstart', 'tax_rate_id',

								'order_id','module_id','function_id','payment_method_id','coupon_id','product_type_id', 'product_price_id', 'shopper_group_id') ;

		foreach( $parseToIntFields as $intField ) {

			if( !empty($_REQUEST[$intField]) && is_array($_REQUEST[$intField]) ) {

				vmArrayToInts( $_REQUEST[$intField] );

			} elseif ( isset($_REQUEST[$intField]) ) {

				$_REQUEST[$intField] = $$intField = vmRequest::getInt($intField);



		$product_id = vmRequest::getInt('product_id');

		$vm_mainframe->setUserState('product_id', $product_id );

		if( vmIsAdminMode() ) {

			$category_id = (int)$vm_mainframe->getUserStateFromRequest( 'category_id', 'category_id' );

		} else {

			$category_id = vmRequest::getInt('category_id');


		$manufacturer_id = vmRequest::getInt('manufacturer_id');


		$user_info_id = vmRequest::getVar('user_info_id');

		$myInsecureArray = array(

									'user_info_id' => $user_info_id,

									'page' => $page,

									'func' => $func



		 * This InputFiler Object will help us filter malicious variable contents

		 * @global vmInputFiler vmInputFiler


		$GLOBALS['vmInputFilter'] = $vmInputFilter = vmInputFilter::getInstance();

		// prevent SQL injection

		if( $perm->check('admin,storeadmin') ) {

			$myInsecureArray = $vmInputFilter->safeSQL( $myInsecureArray );

			$myInsecureArray = $vmInputFilter->process( $myInsecureArray );

			// Re-insert the escaped strings into $_REQUEST

			foreach( $myInsecureArray as $requestvar => $requestval) {

					$_REQUEST[$requestvar] = $requestval;


		} else {

			// Strip all tags from all input values

			$_REQUEST = $vmInputFilter->process( $_REQUEST );

			$_REQUEST = $vmInputFilter->safeSQL( $_REQUEST );



		// Limit the keyword (=search string) length to 50

		$keyword = substr( urldecode( vmGet( $_REQUEST, 'keyword' )), 0, 50 );


		$vars = vmRequest::get('', VMREQUEST_ALLOWRAW );


    // The Page will change with every different parameter / argument, so provide this for identification

    // "call" will call the function load_that_shop_page when it is not yet cached with exactly THESE parameters

    // or the caching time range has expired

	$GLOBALS['cache_id'] = vmTemplate::getCacheId();


	if( $option == "com_virtuemart" ) {


		// Check if we have to run a Shop Function

		// and if the user is allowed to execute it

		$funcParams = $ps_function->getFuncPermissions( $func );


		** Get Page/Directory Permissions

		** Displays error if directory is not registered,

		** user has no permission to view it , or file doesn't exist


		if (empty($page)) {// default page

			if (defined('_VM_IS_BACKEND')) {

				$page = "store.index";


			else {

				$page = HOMEPAGE;



		// Let's check if the user is allowed to view the page

		// if not, $page is set to ERROR_PAGE

		$pagePermissionsOK = $ps_module->checkModulePermissions( $page );

		$ok = true;

		if ( !empty( $funcParams["method"] ) && vmGet($_REQUEST, 'task') != 'cancel' ) {

			// Protection against Cross-Site Request Forgery

			if( vmIsAdminMode() && !vmSpoofCheck(null, $sess->getSessionId() ) ) {



			// Get the function parameters: function name and class name

			$q = "SELECT #__{vm}_module.module_name,#__{vm}_function.function_class";

			$q .= " FROM #__{vm}_module,#__{vm}_function WHERE ";

			$q .= "#__{vm}_module.module_id=#__{vm}_function.module_id AND ";

			$q .= "#__{vm}_function.function_method='".$funcParams["method"]."' AND ";

			$q .= "#__{vm}_function.function_class='".$funcParams["class"]."'";




			$class = $db->f('function_class');

			if( file_exists( CLASSPATH."$class.php" ) ) {

				if( $ajax_request ) {

					require_once( CLASSPATH . 'connectionTools.class.php' );

					vmConnector::sendHeaderAndContent( 200 );


				// Load class definition file

				require_once( CLASSPATH."$class.php" );

				$classname = str_replace( '.class', '', $funcParams["class"]);

				if( !class_exists(strtolower($classname))) {

					$classname = 'vm'.$classname;


				if( class_exists( $classname )) {

					// create an object

					$$classname = new $classname();



					// $ok  = $class->function( $vars );

					$ok = $$classname->$funcParams["method"]($vars);


				if ($ok == false) {

					$no_last = 1;

					$last_page = vmGet( $_SESSION, 'last_page' );

					if( $last_page != HOMEPAGE && !empty( $last_page ) && empty($_REQUEST['ignore_last_page']) ) {

						$page = $last_page;


					$my_page= explode ( '.', $page );

					$modulename = $my_page[0];

					$pagename = $my_page[1];

					$_REQUEST['keyword']= vmGet($_SESSION['session_userstate'], 'keyword' );

					$_REQUEST['category_id']= vmGet( $_SESSION['session_userstate'], 'category_id' );

					$_REQUEST['product_id']=$product_id = $_SESSION['session_userstate']['product_id'];



			else {

				$vmLogger->debug( "Could not include the class file $class" );



			if (!empty($vars["error"])) {

				$error = vmGet( $vars, 'error' );


			if (!empty($error)) {

				echo vmCommonHTML::getErrorField($error);




		else {

			$no_last = 0;




		// If this is an asynchronous page load,

		// we clear the output buffer and just send the log messages.

		// the variable named 'ajax_request' has to be set to 1.

		if( $func && $ajax_request) {

			// Send an indicator wether the function call return true or false

			vmCommonHTML::getSuccessIndicator( $ok, $vmDisplayLogger );		




		if ($ok == true && empty($error) && !defined('_DONT_VIEW_PAGE') && !strstr($page, 'ajax')) {

			$_SESSION['last_page'] = $page;



	// I don't get it, why Joomla uses masked gid values!

	if( !defined( '_VM_IS_BACKEND' )&& !class_exists('jfactory')) {

		$my = $mainframe->getUser();



	if( empty($_REQUEST['only_page']) ) {

		// the Log object holds all error messages

		// here we flush the buffer and print out all messages



		// Now we can switch to implicit flushing

		$vmDisplayLogger->_buffering = false;



	define( '_VM_PARSER_LOADED', 1 );


#6 Posted : Tuesday, October 13, 2009 8:45:28 PM(UTC)

Rank: Advanced Member

Groups: Member
Joined: 3/9/2008(UTC)
Posts: 554

Was thanked: 1 time(s) in 1 post(s)

I visited your page and found that you have embedded correctly, but you have some problems with server side code. Unfortunately, our technical support does not include writing of sever-side code, more over we have not specialist who can helps you to integrate server code with Virtuemart.

Probably some one on this forum can helps you with it.

Aurigma Support Team

UserPostedImage Follow Aurigma on Twitter!

#7 Posted : Wednesday, October 14, 2009 1:07:24 AM(UTC)

Rank: Newbie

Groups: Member
Joined: 11/7/2008(UTC)
Posts: 5

can you tell me some one who is expert and who can help me with this customization?
#8 Posted : Thursday, October 15, 2009 11:43:45 PM(UTC)

Rank: Newbie

Groups: Member
Joined: 11/7/2008(UTC)
Posts: 5


so... my problem is integration with virtuemart cart.

See my page: http://www.pixico.it/ind...iew=wrapper&Itemid=3

When I upload my images and I decide ammount, paper etc. theese images go to the cart when the user can proceed with the order.

Here the virtuemart code: virtuemart.php


if( !defined( '_VALID_MOS' ) && !defined( '_JEXEC' ) ) die( 'Direct Access to '.basename(__FILE__).' is not allowed.' );



* @version $Id: virtuemart.php 1526 2008-09-15 19:21:43Z soeren_nb $

* @package VirtueMart

* @subpackage core

* @copyright Copyright (C) 2004-2008 soeren - All rights reserved.

* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU/GPL, see LICENSE.php

* VirtueMart is free software. This version may have been modified pursuant

* to the GNU General Public License, and as distributed it includes or

* is derivative of works licensed under the GNU General Public License or

* other free or open source software licenses.

* See /administrator/components/com_virtuemart/COPYRIGHT.php for copyright notices and details.


* http://virtuemart.net


global $mosConfig_absolute_path, $product_id, $vmInputFilter, $vmLogger;


/* Load the virtuemart main parse code */

require_once( dirname(__FILE__) . '/virtuemart_parser.php' );

$my_page= explode ( '.', $page );

$modulename = $my_page[0];

$pagename = $my_page[1];

$is_popup = vmRequest::getBool( 'pop' );

// Page Navigation Parameters

$limit = intval( $vm_mainframe->getUserStateFromRequest( "viewlistlimit{$page}", 'limit', $mosConfig_list_limit ) );

$limitstart = intval( $vm_mainframe->getUserStateFromRequest( "view{$keyword}{$category_id}{$pagename}limitstart", 'limitstart', 0 )) ;

/* Get all the other paramters */

$search_category= vmRequest::getVar( 'search_category' );

// Display just the naked page without toolbar, menu and footer?

$only_page = vmRequest::getInt('only_page', 0 );

if( PSHOP_IS_OFFLINE == '1' && !$perm->hasHigherPerms('storeadmin') ) {



else {

    if( PSHOP_IS_OFFLINE == '1' ) {

        echo '<h2>'.$VM_LANG->_('OFFLINE_MODE').'</h2>';


    if( $is_popup ) {

        echo "<style type='text/css' media='print'>.vmNoPrint { display: none }</style>";

        echo vmCommonHTML::PrintIcon('', true, ' '.$VM_LANG->_('CMN_PRINT') );



    // The Vendor ID is important

    $ps_vendor_id = $_SESSION['ps_vendor_id'];

    // The authentication array

    $auth = $_SESSION['auth'];

    $no_menu = vmRequest::getInt('no_menu', 0 );

    // Timer Start

    if ( vmShouldDebug() ) { /*@MWM1: Log/Debug enhancements */

        $start = utime();

        $GLOBALS["mosConfig_debug"] = 1;


    // update the cart because something could have

    // changed while running a function

    $cart = $_SESSION["cart"];

    if (( !$pagePermissionsOK || !$funcParams ) && $_REQUEST['page'] != 'checkout.index') {

        if( !$pagePermissionsOK && defined('_VM_PAGE_NOT_AUTH') ) {

            $page = 'checkout.login_form';

            echo '<br/><br/>'.$VM_LANG->_('DO_LOGIN').'<br/><br/>';


        elseif( !$pagePermissionsOK && defined('_VM_PAGE_NOT_FOUND') ) {

            $page = HOMEPAGE;


        else {

            $page = $_SESSION['last_page'];



    $my_page= explode ( '.', $page );

    $modulename = $my_page[0];

    $pagename = $my_page[1];

    // For there's no errorpage to display the error,

    // we must echo it before the page is loaded

    if (!empty($error) && $page != ERRORPAGE) {

        echo '<span class="shop_error">'.$error.'</span>';





    if ( vmIsAdminMode()

        && $perm->check("admin,storeadmin")

        && ((!stristr($my->usertype, "admin") ^ PSHOP_ALLOW_FRONTENDADMIN_FOR_NOBACKENDERS == '' )

            || stristr($my->usertype, "admin")


        && !stristr($page, "shop.")

    ) {


        define( '_FRONTEND_ADMIN_LOADED', '1' );


        if( vmIsJoomla(1.5) ) {

            $editor =& JFactory::getEditor();

            echo $editor->initialise();

        } else {

            $mainframe->loadEditor = 1;

            require_once( $mosConfig_absolute_path."/editor/editor.php" );



        $editor1_array = Array('product.product_form' => 'product_desc',

        'product.product_category_form' => 'category_description',

        'store.store_form' => 'vendor_store_desc',

        'vendor.vendor_form' => 'vendor_store_desc');

        $editor2_array = Array('store.store_form' => 'vendor_terms_of_service',

        'vendor.vendor_form' => 'vendor_terms_of_service');

        editorScript(isset($editor1_array[$page]) ? $editor1_array[$page] : '', isset($editor2_array[$page]) ? $editor2_array[$page] : '');


        $vm_mainframe->addStyleSheet( VM_THEMEURL .'admin.css' );

        $vm_mainframe->addStyleSheet( VM_THEMEURL .'admin.styles.css' );

        $vm_mainframe->addScript( "$mosConfig_live_site/components/$option/js/functions.js" );

        echo '<table style="width:100%;table-layout:fixed;"><tr>';

        if( $no_menu != "1" ) {

            $vmLayout = 'standard';

            echo '<td valign="top" width="15%">';

            // The admin header with dropdown menu

            include( ADMINPATH."header.php" );

            echo '</td>';


        echo '<td width="80%" valign="top" style="border: 1px solid silver;padding:4px;">';

        include( ADMINPATH."toolbar.virtuemart.php" );

        echo '<br style="clear:both;" />';





    // Here is the most important part of the whole Shop:

    // LOADING the requested page for displaying it to the customer.

        // I have wrapped it with a function, because it becomes

        // cacheable that way.

        // It's just an "include" statement which loads the page

        $vmDoCaching = ($page=="shop.browse" || $page=="shop.product_details")

                        && (empty($keyword) && empty($keyword1) && empty($keyword2));


        // IE6 PNG transparency fix

        $vm_mainframe->addScript( "$mosConfig_live_site/components/$option/js/sleight.js" );

        echo '<div id="vmMainPage">'."\n";


        // Load requested PAGE

        if( file_exists( PAGEPATH.$modulename.".".$pagename.".php" )) {

            if( $only_page) {

                require_once( CLASSPATH . 'connectionTools.class.php' );

                vmConnector::sendHeaderAndContent( 200 );

                if( $func ) echo vmCommonHTML::getSuccessIndicator( $ok, $vmDisplayLogger ); /*@MWM1: Log/Debug enhancements*/

                include( PAGEPATH.$modulename.".".$pagename.".php" );

                // Exit gracefully



            include( PAGEPATH.$modulename.".".$pagename.".php" );


        elseif( file_exists( PAGEPATH . HOMEPAGE.'.php' )) {

            include( PAGEPATH . HOMEPAGE.'.php' );


        else {

            include( PAGEPATH.'shop.index.php');


        if ( !empty($mosConfig_caching) && $vmDoCaching) {

            echo '<span class="small">'.$VM_LANG->_('LAST_UPDATED').': '.strftime( $vendor_date_format ).'</span>';



        echo "\n<div id=\"statusBox\" style=\"text-align:center;display:none;visibility:hidden;\"></div></div>\n";


        if(SHOWVERSION && !$is_popup) {

            include(PAGEPATH ."footer.php");


        // Set debug option on/off

        if (vmShouldDebug()) {  /*@MWM1: Log/Debug enhancements */

            $end = utime();

            $runtime = $end - $start;


            include( PAGEPATH . "shop.debug.php" );







if( !defined( '_VALID_MOS' ) && !defined( '_JEXEC' ) ) die( 'Direct Access to '.basename(__FILE__).' is not allowed.' );


* This file prepares the VirtueMart framework

* It should be included whenever a VirtueMart function is needed


* @version $Id: virtuemart_parser.php 1439 2008-06-25 19:08:23Z soeren_nb $

* @package VirtueMart

* @subpackage core

* @copyright Copyright (C) 2004-2008 soeren - All rights reserved.

* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU/GPL, see LICENSE.php

* VirtueMart is free software. This version may have been modified pursuant

* to the GNU General Public License, and as distributed it includes or

* is derivative of works licensed under the GNU General Public License or

* other free or open source software licenses.

* See /administrator/components/com_virtuemart/COPYRIGHT.php for copyright notices and details.


* http://virtuemart.net


global $my, $db, $perm, $ps_function, $ps_module, $ps_html, $ps_vendor_id, $vendor_image,$vendor_image_url, $keyword,

    $ps_payment_method,$ps_zone,$sess, $page, $func, $pagename, $modulename, $vars, $default, $VM_LANG, $cmd, $ok, $mosConfig_lang,

    $auth, $ps_checkout,$error, $error_type, $func_perms, $func_list, $func_class, $func_method, $func_list, $dir_list, $pagePermissionsOK,

    $vendor_currency_display_style, $vendor_freeshipping, $mm_action_url, $limit, $limitstart, $mainframe, $ps_product, $database;

include_once( dirname(__FILE__).'/../../administrator/components/com_virtuemart/compat.joomla1.5.php' );

if( !defined( '_VM_PARSER_LOADED' )) {

    global $my;


    // Clean the var PHP_SELF from chars like " or '

    $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] = htmlspecialchars( $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], ENT_QUOTES );


    if( !empty($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) {

        // Make sure, that the Query String only contains urlencoded values

        $vars = explode( '&', $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']);

        $new_query_string = array();

        foreach( $vars as $val) {

            $keyvarpair = explode('=', $val);

            if( sizeof( $keyvarpair ) == 1 ) {

                $keyvarpair[1] = 0;


            $new_query_string[] = $keyvarpair[0].'='.urlencode(urldecode($keyvarpair[1]));



        $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] = implode('&', $new_query_string );



    if( !empty($my->id) || !empty($user->id) ) {

        // This is necessary to get the real GID

        if( class_exists( 'jconfig' ) ) {

            $tmpuser = & JFactory::getUser();

            if( !defined( '_JLEGACY' ) ) {

                $GLOBALS['my']->load( $tmpuser->get('id'));

                $GLOBALS['my']->set('gid', $tmpuser->get('gid'));

            } else {

                $GLOBALS['my']->gid = $tmpuser->get('gid');


        } else {

            $my->load( $my->id );


        $vmuser = $my;


    if( !file_exists( $mosConfig_absolute_path. "/administrator/components/com_virtuemart/virtuemart.cfg.php" )) {

        die( "<h3>The configuration file for VirtueMart is missing!</h3>It should be here: <strong>"

        . $mosConfig_absolute_path. "/administrator/components/com_virtuemart/virtuemart.cfg.php</strong>" );


    // the configuration file for the Shop

    require_once( $mosConfig_absolute_path. "/administrator/components/com_virtuemart/virtuemart.cfg.php" );


    $GLOBALS['mosConfig_live_site'] = $mosConfig_live_site = substr( URL, 0, strlen(URL)-1);


    // the global file for VirtueMart

    require_once( ADMINPATH . 'global.php' );

    if( !vmIsAdminMode() && !is_a($mainframe, 'JAdministrator') && !isset( $_REQUEST['page']) ) {

        // Get the menu parameters, if any

        if( vmIsJoomla( '1.5' ) ) {

            $menuparams = $mainframe->getParams();

        } else {

            $Itemid = (int) vmRequest::getInt( 'Itemid', '' );

            $query = "SELECT params FROM #__menu WHERE id='".$Itemid."'";

            $database->setQuery( $query );

            $itemparams = $database->loadResult();

            $menuparams = new mosParameters( $itemparams );



        $tmp_product_id = $menuparams->get( 'product_id' );

        $tmp_category_id = $menuparams->get( 'category_id' );

        $tmp_flypage = $menuparams->get( 'flypage' );

        $tmp_page = $menuparams->get( 'page' );

        if( !empty( $tmp_product_id ) ) {

            vmRequest::setVar( 'product_id', $tmp_product_id );

            vmRequest::setVar( 'page', 'shop.product_details' );

        } elseif( !empty( $tmp_category_id ) ) {

            vmRequest::setVar( 'category_id', $tmp_category_id );

            vmRequest::setVar( 'page', 'shop.browse' );



        if( ( !empty( $tmp_product_id ) || !empty( $tmp_category_id ) ) && !empty( $tmp_flypage ) ) {

            vmRequest::setVar( 'flypage', $tmp_flypage );



        if( !empty( $tmp_page ) ) {

            vmRequest::setVar( 'page', $tmp_page );


        // Set the default page

        $defaultpage = HOMEPAGE;

    } else {

        $defaultpage = vmget($_SESSION,'last_page');


    $page = vmRequest::getVar('page', $defaultpage );

    $func = vmRequest::getVar('func');

    $ajax_request = strtolower(vmGet($_SERVER,'HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH')) == 'xmlhttprequest' || vmGet($_REQUEST,'ajax_request') == '1';

    $option = vmRequest::getVar('option');

    // This makes it possible to use Shared SSL



    if( $option == "com_virtuemart" ) {

        // Get sure that we have float values with a decimal point!

        @setlocale( LC_NUMERIC, 'en_US', 'en' );

        @setlocale( LC_TIME, $mosConfig_locale );

        $mosConfig_list_limit = isset( $mosConfig_list_limit ) ? $mosConfig_list_limit : SEARCH_ROWS;

        unset( $_REQUEST["error"] );


        // Cast all the following fields to INT

        $parseToIntFields = array('user_id','product_id','category_id','manufacturer_id','id','cid','vendor_id','country_id','currency_id', 'limitstart', 'tax_rate_id',

                                'order_id','module_id','function_id','payment_method_id','coupon_id','product_type_id', 'product_price_id', 'shopper_group_id') ;

        foreach( $parseToIntFields as $intField ) {

            if( !empty($_REQUEST[$intField]) && is_array($_REQUEST[$intField]) ) {

                vmArrayToInts( $_REQUEST[$intField] );

            } elseif ( isset($_REQUEST[$intField]) ) {

                $_REQUEST[$intField] = $$intField = vmRequest::getInt($intField);



        $product_id = vmRequest::getInt('product_id');

        $vm_mainframe->setUserState('product_id', $product_id );

        if( vmIsAdminMode() ) {

            $category_id = (int)$vm_mainframe->getUserStateFromRequest( 'category_id', 'category_id' );

        } else {

            $category_id = vmRequest::getInt('category_id');


        $manufacturer_id = vmRequest::getInt('manufacturer_id');


        $user_info_id = vmRequest::getVar('user_info_id');

        $myInsecureArray = array(

                                    'user_info_id' => $user_info_id,

                                    'page' => $page,

                                    'func' => $func



         * This InputFiler Object will help us filter malicious variable contents

         * @global vmInputFiler vmInputFiler


        $GLOBALS['vmInputFilter'] = $vmInputFilter = vmInputFilter::getInstance();

        // prevent SQL injection

        if( $perm->check('admin,storeadmin') ) {

            $myInsecureArray = $vmInputFilter->safeSQL( $myInsecureArray );

            $myInsecureArray = $vmInputFilter->process( $myInsecureArray );

            // Re-insert the escaped strings into $_REQUEST

            foreach( $myInsecureArray as $requestvar => $requestval) {

                    $_REQUEST[$requestvar] = $requestval;


        } else {

            // Strip all tags from all input values

            $_REQUEST = $vmInputFilter->process( $_REQUEST );

            $_REQUEST = $vmInputFilter->safeSQL( $_REQUEST );



        // Limit the keyword (=search string) length to 50

        $keyword = substr( urldecode( vmGet( $_REQUEST, 'keyword' )), 0, 50 );


        $vars = vmRequest::get('', VMREQUEST_ALLOWRAW );


    // The Page will change with every different parameter / argument, so provide this for identification

    // "call" will call the function load_that_shop_page when it is not yet cached with exactly THESE parameters

    // or the caching time range has expired

    $GLOBALS['cache_id'] = vmTemplate::getCacheId();


    if( $option == "com_virtuemart" ) {


        // Check if we have to run a Shop Function

        // and if the user is allowed to execute it

        $funcParams = $ps_function->getFuncPermissions( $func );


        ** Get Page/Directory Permissions

        ** Displays error if directory is not registered,

        ** user has no permission to view it , or file doesn't exist


        if (empty($page)) {// default page

            if (defined('_VM_IS_BACKEND')) {

                $page = "store.index";


            else {

                $page = HOMEPAGE;



        // Let's check if the user is allowed to view the page

        // if not, $page is set to ERROR_PAGE

        $pagePermissionsOK = $ps_module->checkModulePermissions( $page );

        $ok = true;

        if ( !empty( $funcParams["method"] ) && vmGet($_REQUEST, 'task') != 'cancel' ) {

            // Protection against Cross-Site Request Forgery

            if( vmIsAdminMode() && !vmSpoofCheck(null, $sess->getSessionId() ) ) {



            // Get the function parameters: function name and class name

            $q = "SELECT #__{vm}_module.module_name,#__{vm}_function.function_class";

            $q .= " FROM #__{vm}_module,#__{vm}_function WHERE ";

            $q .= "#__{vm}_module.module_id=#__{vm}_function.module_id AND ";

            $q .= "#__{vm}_function.function_method='".$funcParams["method"]."' AND ";

            $q .= "#__{vm}_function.function_class='".$funcParams["class"]."'";




            $class = $db->f('function_class');

            if( file_exists( CLASSPATH."$class.php" ) ) {

                if( $ajax_request ) {

                    require_once( CLASSPATH . 'connectionTools.class.php' );

                    vmConnector::sendHeaderAndContent( 200 );


                // Load class definition file

                require_once( CLASSPATH."$class.php" );

                $classname = str_replace( '.class', '', $funcParams["class"]);

                if( !class_exists(strtolower($classname))) {

                    $classname = 'vm'.$classname;


                if( class_exists( $classname )) {

                    // create an object

                    $$classname = new $classname();


                    // RUN THE FUNCTION

                    // $ok  = $class->function( $vars );

                    $ok = $$classname->$funcParams["method"]($vars);


                if ($ok == false) {

                    $no_last = 1;

                    $last_page = vmGet( $_SESSION, 'last_page' );

                    if( $last_page != HOMEPAGE && !empty( $last_page ) && empty($_REQUEST['ignore_last_page']) ) {

                        $page = $last_page;


                    $my_page= explode ( '.', $page );

                    $modulename = $my_page[0];

                    $pagename = $my_page[1];

                    $_REQUEST['keyword']= vmGet($_SESSION['session_userstate'], 'keyword' );

                    $_REQUEST['category_id']= vmGet( $_SESSION['session_userstate'], 'category_id' );

                    $_REQUEST['product_id']=$product_id = $_SESSION['session_userstate']['product_id'];



            else {

                $vmLogger->debug( "Could not include the class file $class" );



            if (!empty($vars["error"])) {

                $error = vmGet( $vars, 'error' );


            if (!empty($error)) {

                echo vmCommonHTML::getErrorField($error);




        else {

            $no_last = 0;




        // If this is an asynchronous page load,

        // we clear the output buffer and just send the log messages.

        // the variable named 'ajax_request' has to be set to 1.

        if( $func && $ajax_request) {

            // Send an indicator wether the function call return true or false

            vmCommonHTML::getSuccessIndicator( $ok, $vmDisplayLogger );        




        if ($ok == true && empty($error) && !defined('_DONT_VIEW_PAGE') && !strstr($page, 'ajax')) {

            $_SESSION['last_page'] = $page;



    // I don't get it, why Joomla uses masked gid values!

    if( !defined( '_VM_IS_BACKEND' )&& !class_exists('jfactory')) {

        $my = $mainframe->getUser();



    if( empty($_REQUEST['only_page']) ) {

        // the Log object holds all error messages

        // here we flush the buffer and print out all messages



        // Now we can switch to implicit flushing

        $vmDisplayLogger->_buffering = false;



    define( '_VM_PARSER_LOADED', 1 );


#9 Posted : Wednesday, November 4, 2009 7:16:13 PM(UTC)

Rank: Advanced Member

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Joined: 3/9/2008(UTC)
Posts: 554

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